[CentOS] Update of CentOS 4.0 to 4.3

Wed Apr 12 12:13:27 UTC 2006
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Mike Stankovic wrote:
> I recently upgraded several machines from 4.2 to 4.3
> and its best to start with yum centos-yumconf

thats understandable, since it would bring in the new distributed 
mirrorlist funcationality.

> centos-release then go on to rpm\* glibc etc etc I had

why ?? rpm glibc etc update fine in the yum/rpm transactionset...

> a custom shell script that downloaded the ones i
> needed for the first run.

again, why ? yum will handle downloads and install order ( which can be 
significant ) for you.... why are you downloading using custom scripts ?

> Make sure you install the new kernel not upgrade it
> incase you have problems with the new kernel. You also
> need to deal with all the rpmsave/rpmnew files.

errr... you only need to deal with them, if it breaks something - if you 
have configured something or changed functionality of a pkg, you would 
_want_ this rpmsave / rpmnew situation to come up.

> However if i were you, i wouuld back up my data and
> reinstall 4.3 afresh from cds. There were changes ie
> sqlite and so yum would complain.

again, this sounds very very extreme. CentOS is not the sort of system 
you need to re-install every few months - on the other hand, its the 
sort of system you install once and let it run for years. the yum update 
path works fine, just stay in sync, update often ( or as often as policy 
permits )

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq