[CentOS] Command line IMAP client

Wed Apr 12 13:30:12 UTC 2006
Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

Quoting Tom Brown <tom.brown at goodtechnology.com>:

> Hi
> I want to download all messages from an IMAP mailbox but i want this 
> to be outputted into MailDir format. I tried using fetchmail but this 
> outputted the mailbox into mbox format. Is there an IMAP client that 
> works on the command line but will output into MailDir format or 
> failing that how reliable is converting from mbox to MailDir ?

I remember there were some utilities distributed with wu-imapd source 
that might do what you want.  A perl script that would split mbox 
mailbox into maildir format is also trivial to write.  If you are 
transferring between two IMAP servers (one using mbox, the other using 
maildir), you can also use utility such as imapsync and not worry about 
the storage format of particular IMAP server.

See Ya' later, alligator!