[CentOS] Re: X86_64, Groupinstall KDE fails

Mon Apr 17 21:48:23 UTC 2006
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Karanbir Singh spake the following on 4/17/2006 1:45 PM:
> Benjamin Smith wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> What you wrote led me to a google search which resulted in this link:
>> https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/yum/2005-August/007269.html
>> which had a line to do a yum exclude which allowed me to get it to
>> fly. It's now going thru 171 packages.... w00T...
> wait!
> dont just add that line in there, first make sure you yum erase all your
> 32bit apps and rpm's ( yum erase *.i386 *.i586 *.i686 ), otherwise you
> are going to leave behind a large number of orphaned rpm's.
> if you need those 32bit apps, consider just excluding the
> fontconfig.i386 rpm. its a problem known since early 4.0 release days :(
Or do rpm -e --justdb --nodeps fontconfig


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