[CentOS] Running mount in a script.

Fri Apr 28 22:03:21 UTC 2006
Michael Jacks <michael_jem at yahoo.com>

--- Will McDonald <wmcdonald at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28/04/06, Michael Jacks <michael_jem at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I am running CentOS 4 and have the need to run "mount -t cifs ..."
> from
> > within a perl or bash script as part of an application.  The
> > application does not run as root.  I have been trying to do a chmod
> +s
> > on a root owned script but that doesn't seem to work. I still get
> > permission errors.  I also took a look at sudo but that appears to
> > require a user to periodically enter a password.  This would not
> work
> > for this application.
> >
> > Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do a mount from a script
> > based application not being run as root?
> You can allow a user to run a command without entering a password
> using sudo. Simplistically, something like the following in
> /etc/sudoers (use visudo to edit it):
> Host_Alias SERVERNAME = server1
> User_Alias USER = username
> Cmnd_Alias COMMAND1 = /bin/mount -t cifs
> Would enable user "username" to run the command "/bin/mount -t cifs"
> on server server1 as root by entering:
> [username at server ~]$ sudo /bin/mount -t cifs
> Will.

Thanks a lot.  It worked perfectly.


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