[CentOS] wu-ftpd, proftpd, or vsftpd!

Sun Apr 30 22:39:17 UTC 2006
albi <albi at scii.nl>

Steven Vishoot wrote:

> Well, Setting up the ftp server is the easy part. Now
> the question, is it very secure or is this a hackers
> practice server?

erhm, the vsftp-software stands for "very secure ftp", but of course the
admin and the admin's configuring makes it secure or not

(the fact that the redhat-company now uses it as their default
ftp-server doesn't mean anything, because they were provided wu-ftpd as
the default ftp-server install years ago afair, and wu-ftpd has a pretty
bad reputation as has other software from WU, like pine)

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc | gpg --import