[CentOS] Server Hacked: Cpanel

Jim Perrin

jperrin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 18:24:36 UTC 2006

On 8/9/06, Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at darkover.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Okey, lemme expand this a little bit, and even contradict you
> (while agreeing).

I agree with your contradicting agreements.

> It is a bit more problematic than that. You are not only adding stuff,
> but you are also replacing (exim, apache) a part of the system.

True, and slightly more accurate. I would assume that one who has a
mastery of both centos and CPanel would  by default understand such
things, but it may need to be set.

> Also, take a look at POSIX ACLs. They are a bit more complex to use
> than unix permissions, but much more flexible.

ACK! Dammit I did leave out extended ACLs... good catch. They're quite
nice also, although they make backups interesting because tar eats
them. Star is your friend in those  circumstances.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

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