[CentOS] Building a live CD and live PXE

Eduardo Grosclaude

eduardo.grosclaude at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 13:31:47 UTC 2006

According to Johnny:

> when using RPM to install centos-release initially ... use the --root
> function like this:
> rpm -ivh --root $LIVE centos-release

This trick, immediately followed by the "yum -c $LIVE/etc/yum.conf
--installroot=$LIVE install yum" stanza, seems to work for me on an
up-to-date Centos 4.3 system. I am still in the process of yumming the rest
of the system in...
Thank you lots everyone

Eduardo Grosclaude
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Neuquen, Argentina
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