[CentOS] XFS and CentOS 4.3

Tue Aug 15 04:13:50 UTC 2006
Mark Strong <mstrong at tnsi.com>

Hi All, after looking around for info on XFS(the filesystem) and its use
on CentOS and/or RHEL 4.  There seems to be a lot of noise about 4K
Stacks (especially on linux-xfs at oss.sgi.com).

So what is the best way to get XFS working with CentOS 4.3 ? And not
have something like this happening.

A quote from the xfs list at sgi
>On Tue, 18 Jul 2006 at 10:29am, Andrew Elwell wrote
        >using the 2.6.9-34 centosplus SMP kernel (3GHz P4 with
        >hyperthreading enabled)
        >what we normally (~once a day) is simply
        >do_IRQ: stack overflow: 416

>You don't want to use the XFS in the centosplus kernel. It has major
>known issues with 4K stacks (leading to overflows). Use the
>kernel-module-xfs (or somesuch) RPM instead, and you should have better

Do I need a kernel with 8K stacks?

and is this


the "kernel-module-xfs" RPM he was talking about (or equivalent for
`uname -r` equals 2.6.9-34.ELsmp).

Mark Strong
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