[CentOS] CentOS Based Fierwall Document

Fri Aug 4 14:59:15 UTC 2006
Matthew Miller <mattdm at mattdm.org>

On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 10:51:37AM -0400, pctech at mybellybutton.com wrote:
> So, seeing as how I am not some rich corporation that can afford stupid
> amounts of bandwidth exactly HOW am I supposed to distribute it any other
> way? Nobody gave ANY information in this regard until I had been properly
> flamed first.

That's because it's widely known and easily available. No one knew you
needed help with this until you mentioned it. At that point, all sorts of
suggestions for help came up, but you've so far chose to ignore then.

> This is the FIRST time anyone has taken offense at my manner of transport
> for my document.

Your earlier message contradicts this. Remember, *we can check*! 

In *this* thread, people weren't offended by your method of transport --
just perplexed.

> >You really do seem to have an atiitude problem, and have already taken up 
> >far too much of the bandwidth on this - usually helpful and good mannered 
> >- list.
> THAT is why I posted to the list.  Because I *THOUGHT* that it was usually
> helpful and good mannered. Apparently there's some secret handshake
> involved in getting a HELPFUL and GOOD MANNERED response that I am unaware
> of. Because I got neither until after I'd been flamed.

Well, you should maybe step back and consider what the unique factor is in
this case.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at mattdm.org          <http://mattdm.org/>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <http://linux.bu.edu/>