[CentOS] talking to users on on other boxes within my network...

Sun Aug 6 19:28:52 UTC 2006
William L. Maltby <BillsCentOS at triad.rr.com>

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 12:24 -0700, bruce wrote:
> hi william...
> it might be an issue with talk... when i do a 'talk test' from one of my
> term windows when i'm logged in as 'root' a get a connection err msg..

Do a 'man talkd' and 'man talk' (I know you did that one already). Then
if you have tcpwrappers going (you *should* have... I think current
terminology is port* something or other), check out your /etc/host.allow
and hosts.deny (and read their man pages - saves some counter-intuitive
angst). Make sure talk is enabled in /etc/services. Remember that talk
is essentially an enhanced "write" command from the old days and
terminal permissions will also affect success.

If you are in a X environment, check out Applications->Internet and
Internet Messenger and IRC there. I believe gaim has a bunch of stuff.
Which actually provide the features, I can't say. I suspect there's some
others. I check out my local yum info file and post again if I see some
other good candidates.

> -bruce
> <snip>

For consideration for other readers, try to avoid top-post. As you can
see, I answer and snip (habitually too) so late-comers will not see the
start. If you mix in, I tend to get it right.

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