[CentOS] Big load

Thu Aug 17 16:00:49 UTC 2006
Peter Kjellström <cap at nsc.liu.se>

On Thursday 17 August 2006 17:35, Marek Dabrowski wrote:
> I found probabyl reason of my problems... Two minutes ago I rebooted
> second node. Load on first node decresed from 10 to 2.01. Rebooted node
> have load 0.29 now. But question "why" that is happening is still open.

I say it's time to bring out the big hammer.. oprofile.

rough guide:
* install the following rpms: oprofile kernel-smp-devel kernel-debuginfo
* opcontrol --setup --vmlinux=/path/to/vmlinux/from/debuginfo-rpm
when in abnormal state:
opcontrol --start ; sleep a bit ; opcontrol --shutdown
opreport -l -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel | head -n 15

That should give you the top most consumers of processor time and hopefully 
some clues :-)

While you're at it, run vmstat for a few seconds and study the first two 

/Peter (who likes big hammers, everything's a nail!!)

> Regards
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