[CentOS] [OT] RedHat's licence, CentOS rebuild

Sat Aug 19 21:53:52 UTC 2006
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Hi Alain,

Alain Reguera wrote:
> Thanks, Karan. Feel your kindness here. I really would like to know
> someone who can clear this to me,

your lawyer should be able to help surely ?

> Our question was, why continue using something that they don't want we
> use, even in a rebuild from them?, but even worst when we reached to
> love them?. (please, no offence here)

I dont understand your question. Who is the 'they' and who is the 'we', 
and who do you love ?

Or, are you asking this list why you should use CentOS even if you dont 
want to use it ? If that is indeed the question then the answer is 
simple - dont. Its a free world, you have the liberty to make a choice 
and use whatever you want.

> For that reason, get into my neuronal war and ask you pals. That was
> the reason of asking what was exactly the difference between centos
> and redhat. Because if CentOS is completely different to redhat, and
> though don't have this discriminatory list on it, Cause we believe in
> open source, no matter that one bad guy set us apart because you
> consider us. open source permit that in a honestly way (I think).
> I am a guy that don't want that my infront sidewalk neighbors use my
> software, but only the same sidewalk houses that are around me. So one
> modest guy in the houses around rebuild the software I do. They
> believe in open source and share to all and release them to the
> worldwide (including the infront sidewalk pals too). The infront
> sidewalk pals appreciate the modest guy that release a rebuild, even
> for their comrades in the same sidewalk around whom haven't the money
> to pay the software. If it is possible that, even people who build a
> software by any reason don't want to others to use them but release
> their sources (by now, or in a future close, the modest guy would have
> to buy in order to rebuild and continue with its noble cause ahead)
> and permit rebuild of one way or another.
> So, does the open source permit to those that are no permitted by the
> main builder to use one software, use the rebuilt software from them,
> if a rebuilder (that can do it) release it without cost and without
> that discriminatory list? Thinking so because the modest rebuild is
> not a work that apply the commercial laws of the sidewalk around of
> that, that do. Is that right Karan?

Like I said before, you lawyer should have the answers you seek. CentOS 
is released, as a distro, under the GPL - with packages that have their 
own individual licenses.

> But if there is some type of dependency from redhat that propagates
> its rules and politics to the rebuilds, feel like all the battle
> swords of my neuronal war passing through my chest :(

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq