[CentOS] Yum upgrade to 4.4 problem

Thu Aug 31 16:27:54 UTC 2006
Max H. <btmanmeh at verizon.net>

Bowie Bailey wrote:
>>From your second link:
>     Yes, I did get lots of duplicate packages but I've already fixed
>     that.  Basically, what I did was to run Adam Stoke's script to
>     remove duplcate packages. It can be located at
>     http://astokes.org/?q=node/49
> That website is no longer working.  Is there still a copy of this
> script floating around?

I ran that script as well just a few minutes ago and it got rid of all
my dups. Everything seems to be good now, but I'll have to keep this all
in mind for the next time around.

The script is just this in case you still can't get to it:

for file in `rpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME} %{ARCH}\n" | sort | uniq -c
| grep -v "  1 " | cut -c 9- | cut -d" " -f1`; do rpm -q --last $file |
tail -1 | cut -d" " -f1; done | grep -v gpg-pubkey | xargs rpm -e
--justdb --nodeps 2> /tmp/dupes
