[CentOS] Copying my system to another drive


anaema_ml at yahoo.fr
Sun Dec 24 12:24:03 UTC 2006

le 24/12/2006 12:00, Lorenzo Martínez Rodríguez nous a dit:
> Christophe,
> I had written the procedure I use to migrate data between disks when my
> server one has died (even moving /dev and conserving old permissions to
> the files, I know "cp -a" does almost the same with files and
> directories, but special devices mounted on /dev).
> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2006-October/071313.html
> I hope this link could help you
Thank you for your answer - I presume did more or less what you did (cp 
vs tar, grub install vs grub shell)... I noticed that my old system have 
no entries in /dev when examined from LiveCD, so the 2.6 kernels 
certainly create them at boot time
In fact, the error message I get is during the boot is : "attempt to 
read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open 
/dev/hdb3 - Could this be a rezo length partition ?"
This partition seems to be ok when mounted by using boot the system or 
the LiveCD

Any idea ?


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