[CentOS] Software for monitoring user activities

Tue Dec 19 22:09:32 UTC 2006
ankush grover <ankushcentos at gmail.com>

hey friends,

 We are running 2 Centos servers 4.0 and 4.4 in our office for various
activies like Mailing, Web Services, Database, CVS, FTP,Samba, Squid
etc. We have about 100+ users on those servers , many users don't have
shell on these servers (/sbin/nologin set as default shell)  and some
has shell (/bin/bash). We want to monitor the user activities of those
users who have shell  means what they all do on the server. One of the
servers contains important data in the database and we don't want
authorized users as they have access to this data and can  copy this
data to somewhere else like to their local systems.

We want to track/monitor the activities of the users. Is there any
free open source software available which can show daily /weekly/
monthly repots of the users activities.

Please let me know if you need any further inputs.


Ankush Grover