[CentOS] Entry server hardware

Sat Feb 11 04:34:21 UTC 2006
Benjamin Smith <lists at benjamindsmith.com>

On Thursday 09 February 2006 19:46, Matt Hyclak wrote:
> > I would like some advice on a SATA RAID controller that is able to work 
> > in a 32 bit/33mhz PCI slot. I have been looking for a while but all I 
> > can find is 64 bit cards that cost over $300. I just need it to mirror 2 
> > drives, and of course work in Centos 4.2.  I am not looking for RAID 5 
> > or anything like that. All the cards I find that would do this are 
> > fakeraid.

Any particular reason why you're not using Linux Software RAID? Having had to 
swap RAID arrays in a hurry to alien hardware, using standard IDE and 
software RAID was a lifesaver for me! 


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- XEROX PARC slogan, circa 1978