[CentOS] IPtraf not looking right on the console..

Wed Feb 1 13:24:52 UTC 2006
Will McDonald <wmcdonald at gmail.com>

On 01/02/06, WipeOut <wipe_out at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Would it make any difference that the IPtraf that was installed came
> from DAG's yum repo and not the CentOS repo?

Shouldn't have thought so. I'm fairly certain the IPTraf I've tried on
various boxes is from Dag/RPMForge.

What TERM does the system default to? Usually logging in on the
console would use "linux".

$ echo $TERM

What is the actual problem? Can you give a more detailed description
of how it displays properly and what's wrong when it doesn't?

Even when the line drawing characters are all qqqqq and xxxxx when I
run it it's still usable.
