[CentOS] postfix+sasl error logs

Fri Feb 3 00:34:24 UTC 2006
spart cus <linux_spartacus at yahoo.com>

--- Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org> wrote:

> Am Fr, den 03.02.2006 schrieb spart cus um 0:31:
> > I've already limit my mech_list to plain and
> login. What about for TLS? I've google for it and
> > it seems they are used for debian packages. Is
> there a good site for centos setup ? just like
> > what i did on this, i've found a site setting up
> the mail server for centos but without the tls.
> > dont want to mess up coz my mail server is already
> running well.tnx again for the helo.
> http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html
> google is a quick help. Be aware that you do not
> need to compile
> anything for this on CentOS. You just have to get
> the certificate
> (either self-signed cert or from cacert.org or a
> commercial one) and to
> configure Postfix to use it.
> Alexander
I'll be using a self-signed cert since my setup will
be all open source and will be documented here. Follow
up question on my sasl-sql problem, im using
mailscanner and postfix, will this affect mailscanner
? your quick responce on all of this is great help ,
tnx a lot.

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