[CentOS] Partition question

Wed Feb 8 11:33:35 UTC 2006
Francesco F <franco at inpe.unipi.it>

On 08/02/2006 7.16, Dan Bulmer wrote:
> What do I need to do to get a /home partition on this machine remotely?  
> Can it be done?
> Thanks for your advise

Format oneother partition and mount it; with rsync you can copy all file 
  present in /home to the new partition (check with "who" if there are 
some users log on). After copy, you can change (adding) mount istruction 
for new partition in your /etc/fstab file, move /home directory in 
/home-old and create new directory /home for the mount-pointer ad mount 
new partition, by mount -a  (or mount /dev/hdxx /home).
