[CentOS] httpd permissions question

Tue Feb 14 17:49:50 UTC 2006
Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, James Pifer wrote:

> I'm using yum-pull for creating a local yum repo. I have a non-root 
> user that runs the script and the files are stored in that user's 
> home directory. I'm trying to make that directory available with 
> httpd. The user owns all the files and subdirs and the rights on all 
> the files is: -rw-r--r--
> I added this to the bottom of httpd.conf and restarted httpd.
> Alias /repomirror /home/user1/YumRepo
> <Directory /home/user1/YumRepo>
> 	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> 	AllowOverride None
> 	Order allow,deny
> 	#Allow from 172.16
> 	#Deny from all
> </Directory>
> When I try to access http://servername/repomirror I get a 403 
> permission denied.
> What permissions need to be set? Can I publish the directory this 
> way?

Assuming that there's at least o+x perms on /home/user1 and o+rx on 
/home/user1/YumRepo, my suspicion is that you're violating SELinux 
policy. Try

   chcon -R --reference=/var/www/html /home/user1/YumRepo

Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at madboa.com <> www.madboa.com