[CentOS] Make eth1 primary interface

Wed Feb 15 19:11:23 UTC 2006
Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

Quoting Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>:

> Am Mi, den 15.02.2006 schrieb Chris Mason (Lists) um 18:50:
>> I have a Centos 3 server with three network interfaces. eth0 is for the
>> local network and the firewall is the gateway, the ip and gateway are
>> set statically.
>> eth1 is a adsl connection using dhcp to allocate the ip. I want to make
>> eth1 the default route. If it was statci I would just use a "route add
>> default gwd eth1" command, but I  can't do that with DHCP.
>> How do I make eth1 the  default route?
>> Chris Mason
> grep GATEWAYDEV /usr/share/doc/initscripts*/sysconfig.txt

Or he can completely ommit specifying any gateways, and let DHCP create 
one.  Which is probably what he want to do anyhow.

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