[CentOS] Postgresql 8.1.x on CentOS 3.6

Thu Feb 16 13:51:53 UTC 2006
Matt Arnilo S. Baluyos (Mailing Lists) <matt.baluyos.lists at gmail.com>

On 2/16/06, Leonel Nunez <leonel at enelserver.com> wrote:
> Jim Perrin wrote:
> > This is a BAD IDEA. The rhel4 rpms are built for RHEL4, so if they
> > work, they won't be stable. They're expecting the 2.6 kernel, the libs
> > associated with rhel4 etc. These aren't there in 3.6. If you NEED php5
> > and postgresql 8, you should consider using centos4 and the
> > postgresql8/php5 rpms for centos4. Keep in mind that they're not
> > stock. If you're trying to force them onto your system because you
> > want them, you might give gentoo a try.
> Or  build   from the  source  tar.gz  Postgresql 8.1.3  and PHP 5  and
> all other programs that depend on these 2  and  keep them updated  every
> time  an update is  issued  on  ANY of the packages build from source
> .tar.gz files ..

Thanks for the replies.

Ideally, I'd like to have CentOS 4 running on the system.
Unfortunately, the hosting company that we have our VPS only offers
Centos 3.6.

If I can already find RPMs already for Postgres 8.1.x, it's gonna make
my job a lot easier.

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