Bowie Bailey wrote: > I have been building my systems with Abit IS-10 motherboards, but NewEgg has > stopped carrying them, so I need to switch to something new. > > Does anyone have any recommendations on a solid motherboard that works well > with CentOS? I need a motherboard with built-in video, LAN, and SATA. I > don't need RAID or any other fancy features, just something cheap and solid. > > I've been looking around, but there are lots of boards that look like they > would work and I know nothing about any of them. I was just wondering what > you guys are using. > > Thanks. > Hi, Bowie - This might be out of your target price range, but we just received 32 Intel SR1425BK1-E based systems a few weeks ago, and to tell you the truth, they're the most rock-solid motherboards I've ever used. Period. Looks like the board alone will run anywhere between $450-500 USD, but my experience tells me that it was well worth it. You can find more information here: They've been running CentOS 4.2 flawlessly for about two weeks now under extremely heavy load, and we haven't seen any problems. Hope that helps -dant