[CentOS] Updates on Centos 4

Mon Feb 27 19:34:32 UTC 2006
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 08:58, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>>>> Also, its a good idea to subscribe to the CentOS-announce mailing list, 
>>>> all package updates are announced there. ( http://lists.centos.org/ )
>>>> Setting up rss feeds for the repositories as well, so you could / would 
>>>> / should be able to subscribe to only the repo+arch combinations you 
>>>> want to stay informed about... Lookout for an announcement about this 
>>>> shortly.
>>> Or you can just do a 'yum update' regularly and the right thing
>>> will happen.
>> depends on what you do, on a lot of production machines, people prefer 
>> to first know about the issues being fixed, and testing updates before 
>> they go live.
>> but, i guess that depends a lot on what you do and what your machines do :)
> You still have to answer 'yes' to a "yum update' after it shows
> you the list it plans to update, so assuming you answer correctly
> it will always do the right thing.  If you do it fairly often,
> the list will only be large at point release times so you
> won't have much trouble deciding whether it is likely to break
> something or not. Or, if you have a place to test, do it there
> first.  In general, I'll assume that the people generating the
> updates know more about the programs than I do and thus it is
> worse to avoid the update than apply it. If you've watched
> this list for a while, you'll know that you don't see a lot
> of 'update xxx broke something', although it is always possible.

we seem to be talking about disconnected issues.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq