[CentOS] Updates on Centos 4

Mon Feb 27 21:02:38 UTC 2006
Jim Smith <jim_smith2006 at yahoo.com>

--- Dexter Stowers <dexter.stowers at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>     I have a server that has been running Centos for about a year
> but
> I have not checked to see if there have been any changes to update.
> Has there been any updates or fixes for the update? I have not been
> in
> the loop for a while now. Thanks!
> -- Dexter

Are you serious? Running a server for a year without updates? If you
don't mind my asking were you living in a cave or something? I hope
you don't use the same principles on Windows are you will be 40,000
viruses/trojans and malware worse off!!

I don't supppose you run Mambo/phpbb/phpnuke on the internet. They
have had security issues that can allow a remote attacker to take
over your machine.

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