[CentOS] Re: [Offtopic] tinydns -some help needed

U n d e r a c h i e v e r

takeme2your at rocketmail.com
Tue Jan 31 19:09:20 UTC 2006

On 28/1/06 16:37, in article
B9ECBF8D89E7684EB63FF250E8788B1920447B at BIGLOG.thenap.com, "Drew Weaver"
<drew.weaver at thenap.com> wrote:

> Bind really couldn't be any easier to use, and it works every
> time.

Bind zone files are an accident waiting to happen. I don't know anyone who
uses it who hasn't screwed up the serial number at least once.

djb data files are far simpler, and less likely to go completely horribly
wrong if you fat finger something.

takeme2your at rocketmail.com
U n d e r a c h i e v e r

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