[CentOS] problem with Vtun, tun devices not appears up

Wed Jan 11 15:28:01 UTC 2006
Miguel Angel Amador L <jokercl at gmail.com>

  I have CentOS 4, and I download packets vtun and zlib for RHEL4 from
DAG RPM... (rpmfind)
I am configure VTUN for a ip tunnel, and when configure vtund, the tun
interface not appears up, how i do  to the tun device appears  up when
i do a "ifconfig"? the vtun services appears up, and ok, without
errors, and the configuration files, is a knowed configuration from
other server that must be replaced
 Thank any help

ps : sorry for my english

Miguel Angel Amador L.
[ jokercl at gmail dot com |  User #297569 counter.li.org ]
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