[CentOS] Yum out of sync?

Wed Jan 11 18:41:50 UTC 2006
Jeff Lasman <blists at nobaloney.net>

On Wednesday 11 January 2006 02:48 am, William Hooper wrote:

> "repo section" doesn't mean literally the word "repo" is in the file.
>  By default (as you've shown) it isn't.
> Jim is referring to the sections in the yum.conf file that set up the
> repos.  For example "[base]", "[update]", etc.

Thank you.  Sincerely.

I shall bang my head against the wall...

<bang> <bang> <bang>

And apologize profusely to Jim.

Again thanks!

Jeff Lasman, Nobaloney Internet Services
1254 So Waterman Ave., Suite 50, San Bernardino, CA  92408
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