[CentOS] server without gcc?

Thu Jan 12 08:25:48 UTC 2006
Alex Ford <abford at sbcglobal.net>

>>Robert Hanson said:
>>i cant believe i have a production box online without gcc installed using
>>new CentOS 4 server CD???
>>confused to say the least as i always install all the compiler and etc

None of the CentOS Server CD images include GCC with the default install
AFAIK, so that shouldn't be surprising. There are a lot of production boxes
out there without GCC installed. You can, however, mark GCC for installation
during the text/GUI package selection process. It's in the Development Tools

>>will the command
>>yum install gcc
>>get me everything i need or should i specify something else to get
>>everything in one swoop that i might ever need

This is extremely vague. What are your needs? 'yum install gcc' will get you
gcc and all of its dependencies, yes.
