[CentOS] freenx

Tue Jan 24 05:59:49 UTC 2006
Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>

On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 23:48 -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 23:38, Craig White wrote:
> > > > 15556 16:54:59 stat64("/var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys2",
> > > > 0xbfe2f4d0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> > > > 15556 16:54:59 lstat64("/var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys2",
> > > > 0xbfe2f3c0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
> > > 
> > > Doesn't that file exist?  Or is this really a SELinux access
> > > error?
> > ----
> > yes it exists. No - not an SELinux error. Just the nonsense from a
> > useless strace.
> It's not nonsense.  The system call told the app the file
> doesn't exist.
> > I think I know the issue.
> > 
> > I copied client.id_dsa.key to
> > lin-workstation:/home/craig/.ssh/authorized_keys2 and still can't use
> > Pubkey authentication as user nx - which tells me that the underlying
> > system on the server isn't getting the value of the public key
> > from /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/
> That's not surprising if it is failing to read the files
> there.  Are they owned by user nx?
I've already posted the output. The files are there, they are readable
by user nx - I've not mucked with any of the privileges of any of the
files or subdirectories in the path. The permissions of everything seems

This is a very clean install.

What I have discovered is this...

if I copy the file client.id_dsa.key to the client machine, and rename
it - i.e. cp client.id_dsa.key ~/.ssh/id_dsa

and then on the server...

cp /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys2 /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown nx /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys

I can then login in from my client via ssh using pubkey (finally)

$ ssh nx at srv1.azapple.com
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-44 OS (GPL)
NX> 105 exit
NX> 999 Bye
Connection to srv1.azapple.com closed.

I haven't translated this into a successful login from nxclient but I
think this helps
