[CentOS] Version download problem?

Tue Jan 3 10:25:15 UTC 2006
jean-sebastien Hubert <security at air-austral.com>

Peter Kjellström wrote:

>On Friday 30 December 2005 04:34, Young, Darren wrote:
>>>Yep. They're obsolete, and we're trying to save
>>>space/bandwidth on the mirrors, since the space is donated.
>>>3.6 is 3.1 with all the
>>>updates+errata. If you REALLY need 3.1 for some hellish reason, you'll
>>>need to get it from the vault. ( vault.centos.org )
>>Hellish, maybe -> Tivoli Storage Manager.
>>Actually, what I need is kernel 2.4.21-4.0.1 according to IBM.
>I don't know what kind of tivoli setup you're looking at but surely IBM has 
>software fully compatible with EL3u6 (or atleast u4 or u5). Go whack them 
>with something heavy. We run some tivoli stuff on a fully updated Centos-4 
>just my .02 euros,
> Peter
>and fwiw, our mirror (mirror.nsc.liu.se) also has vault.
Maybe you will find what you need here ? 
