[CentOS] Determine what changed between CentOS 4.1 and CentOS 4.2

Tue Jan 3 21:48:08 UTC 2006
Jim Wildman <jim at rossberry.com>

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Fong Vang wrote:

> Is there a way to determine what package changed from CentOS 4.1 to
> 4.2 (or between any two versions)?  I need to create a yum repository
> to upgrade some machines that cannot talk to the Internet.

ls /centos4.1-rpm-dir > 4.1.rpms
ls /centos4.2-rpm-dir > 4.2.rpms

comm -13 4.1.rpms 4.2.rpms

Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE       jim at rossberry.com http://www.rossberry.com
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