[CentOS] Opteron, Athlon/64, and disaster recovery

Wed Jan 4 20:03:57 UTC 2006
Bryan J. Smith <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

Benjamin Smith <lists at benjamindsmith.com> wrote:
> ... and if the SCSI controller is on the Mobo? 

Then get a board with the exact same host controller.
Although then you're no longer saving so much on cost.

Furthermore, if you're using the on-board SCSI with an
add-on, 0-channel RAID card, then that complicates matters as
well.  You might find the equivalent whatever-channel RAID
card, but then it's costly as well.

What exact mainboard and/or SCSI controller are you using,
and why?

Bryan J. Smith     Professional, Technical Annoyance                      b.j.smith at ieee.org      http://thebs413.blogspot.com
*** Speed doesn't kill, difference in speed does ***