[CentOS] Compile vs. RPM

Mon Jan 9 16:32:07 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 14:35 +0000, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Eduardo Grosclaude wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 2006/1/9, Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org <mailto:peter at farrows.org>>:
> > 
> >     You can reduce still further the chances of no rpms being available by
> >     adding the DAG repository to your yum.conf file.  This adds a lot of
> >     stuff that would otherwise take a bit of finding....
> > 
> >     Becareful though, you should be aware of the possible consequences and
> >     pitfalls of updating from multiple repositories....generally I use dag
> >     to get stuff that isn't available from the standard yum repos... but not
> >     for an os update...
> > 
> > 
> > Is EVERY package intended  for RHEL (DAG or otherwise) just CentOS 
> > compatible right out of the box?
> yes - as long as you match the release and update cycle ( if required )
> if you come across something that isnt compatible - let the packager 
> know and let us know as well.
right ... everything that is written for RHEL should work on CentOS too.

The only issue might be things that look specifically for something
in /etc/redhat-release.

Obviously, we can't put the same line that RH puts in their product, so
some installers (like Oracle) that specifically look for a string from
upstream will not initially work with CentOS.

It is usually very easy to get these to work .. look at this example and
search for redhat-release on the page:


And it will tell you how to change your /etc/redhat-release file to
allow there installers to function.

Johnny Hughes
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