[CentOS] Compile vs. RPM

Tue Jan 10 21:28:37 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 22:21 +0100, Simon J Mudd wrote:
> mailing-lists at hughesjr.com (Johnny Hughes) writes:
> > The only issue might be things that look specifically for something
> > in /etc/redhat-release.
> > 
> > Obviously, we can't put the same line that RH puts in their product, so
> > some installers (like Oracle) that specifically look for a string from
> > upstream will not initially work with CentOS.
> I've never understood this.
> If centos/whitebox/... wants to look like RHEL why not produce:
> 1. their centos-release rpm with appropriate files
> 2. an "redhat-release" rpm with required files ( /etc/redhat-release probably only)
>    - then make sure that the rpm -qi redhat-release says
>    "redhat-release rpm built to provide redhat compatibility"
>    "This rpm is built on and for centos-a.b...."
> Then everyone can use the normal redhat-release RPM or
> /etc/redhat-release checks (which are recompiled originals from
> redhat) without worrying if the system is a "clone" or not.  The build
> server will show they are not built by redhat, and if you really care
> you can look for a centos-release rpm to see if it is a clone.
> > It is usually very easy to get these to work .. look at this example and
> > search for redhat-release on the page:
> > 
> > http://www.puschitz.com/InstallingOracle10g.shtml
> > 
> > And it will tell you how to change your /etc/redhat-release file to
> > allow there installers to function.
> This would not be necessary if the above methodology were used.
> Perhaps RH will sue the "RH clone" builders if they include a
> redhat-release rpm or /etc/redhat-release file?  It would seem rather silly.

While it would be rather silly ... we have been told not to make redhat-
release say Trademarked things :)
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