[CentOS] Compile vs. RPM

Wed Jan 11 01:34:58 UTC 2006
Jeff Lasman <blists at nobaloney.net>

On Tuesday 10 January 2006 02:29 pm, Les Mikesell wrote:

> There was a time when the only way to
> get aspirin was to ask for a trademarked brand name...

The last time I was in Canada (a few years ago) that was still true.  If 
you asked for Aspirin you got Bayer's Asprin brand.

Jeff Lasman, Nobaloney Internet Services
1254 So Waterman Ave., Suite 50, San Bernardino, CA  92408
Our blists address used on lists is for list email only
Phone +1 909 266-9209, or see: "http://www.nobaloney.net/contactus.html"