[CentOS] Quick crontab question (another cron question!)

Thu Jan 12 23:12:58 UTC 2006
Jose Alburquerque <jaalburquerque at cox.net>

Troy Engel wrote:

>Jose Alburquerque wrote:
>>Really quickly:  Would anyone know how I might add a crontab entry via a
>>script (bash)?  I'm attempting to write one to schedule commands at
>>certain times.  Is this possible?  Thanks.
>Are you sure you don't want 'at' instead of cron? (man at) It seems that
>might be more appropriate based on your description...
Thanks for the 'at' information.  I really did not know that this 
command existed.  It looks like it would be very useful for my task.  
However, I also need to schedule "recurring" processes so I think that I 
still need to use a crontab entry.