[CentOS] RFE: centos-announce subject line rearrange

Fri Jan 20 14:25:12 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 14:44 +0100, Maciej Żenczykowski wrote:
> > [CentOS-announce] CESA-2006:0160 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 tetex -	security
> > update
> > [CentOS-announce] CESA-2006:0140 Important CentOS 3 ia64 kernel -
> > security update
> > -----------------------------------------
> Oh common, and have to rearrange the filters again???
> Just leave it as is... or if you have to then make it a quick and painless 
> change.

well ... I don't see us changing as we have been doing it this way for a
year, and as MaZe pointed out, lots of people would need to change
filters, etc.
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