Multiple HTTPS sites on one IP address, was: Re: [CentOS] Self-signed certificates

Tue Jan 24 12:35:07 UTC 2006
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at>

Jim Perrin wrote:
> > I'd like to see server and browsers supporting RFC 2817 also, but
> > I seem to rememeber that when it was raised on Mozilla's bugzilla there
> > wasn't much support for it... and there are issues with is, see
> > discussion of it on the Apache site [1]:
> >
> > - Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1
> >
> There is mod_gnutls for apache from the folks at,

gnutls seems to hava a massive problem with random number sources -
afair they *do* use /dev/random exclusively, which will block pretty
fast if used on a server having a little bit more traffic.

Ralph Angenendt......ra at | .."Text processing has made it possible
Bayerischer Rundfunk...80300 München | right-justify any idea, even one
Programmbereich.Bayern 3, Jugend und | .which cannot be justified on any other
Multimedia.........Tl:089.5900.16023 | ..........grounds." -- J. Finnegan, USC
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