[CentOS] Re: Build Raid 1 in a installed system

Tue Jan 24 18:36:03 UTC 2006
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Cleber P. de Souza spake the following on 1/24/2006 6:11 AM:
> Hi Scott.
> It's exactly what I want to do.
> any suggestion?
It will take a little bit of work, but it can be done as I did it a couple of
years on our mailservers. The second hard drive will need to be blank to make
things easier.
Get a copy of the software raid howto
and read it.You might want to look carefully at the sections on mdadm and swap
on raid.  Also get this article;
http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2002/12/05/RAID.html. Make sure you
have a current rescue boot floppy or cd as grub will have problems until you
get it corrected.
  The migration part is in this section;
but use mdadm instead, as you can make a raid array with one drive missing,
copy the data from the old drive to the equivalent raid device on the new
drive. Then edit your /etc/fstab "carefully" and reboot.
If everythings running ok on the second drive, then you can copy the partition
structure to the old drive and add the partitions to their respective array
and let them rebuild.


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