[CentOS] CentOSPlus: What happened to Postgresql?

Wed Jan 25 20:46:25 UTC 2006
Benjamin Smith <lists at benjamindsmith.com>

On Wednesday 25 January 2006 12:07, Jim Perrin wrote:
> They were never in centosplus. They were in c4-Testing on
> dev.centos.org, and are still there ->
> http://dev.centos.org/centos/4/testing/x86_64/RPMS/ waiting for the
> required feedback to move to centosplus. If you use them and they work
> well for you, please by all means provide feedback at bugs.centos.org.
> The feedback tracker is here ->
> http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=1182

Oops - my bad! 

As I said, I've been using them with CentOS 4.2 on a Tyan dual proc opteron 
X86/64 for about a month with no particular problems, until yesterday. I'm 
trying to track down a bug with the PG support list, and they need a gdb 
trace with development symbols enabled. 

What package do I need to install to get a build with symbols? Or, is the only 
way to get this to recompile an SRPM with some options applied? How should I 
do the latter? Here's what I have installed: 

[root at kepler ~]# rpm -qa | grep postg

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