[CentOS] Re: how to gui on centos ?

Fri Jan 27 00:46:48 UTC 2006
spart cus <linux_spartacus at yahoo.com>

ive already check evrything during installation. wait im using the servercd, does it includeX? or should i download the 4 cd's ?

Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com> wrote: spart cus spake the following on 1/26/2006 2:54 PM:
> hi guys,
> what command will i type in to put me on the gui part of centos? this is
> my first time to use it. i've been using  fedora before and the command
> was startx. what is the equivalent for centos?
startx is the equivalent on centos, but it depends on you're installing the x
related rpms during the install.


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