[CentOS] php-ldap can't log on with browser

Sat Jan 28 00:22:09 UTC 2006
Kai Sandsengen <centos.newsgroup at sandsengen.com>

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am Fr, den 27.01.2006 schrieb Kai Sandsengen um 22:40:
>>It has been some posting about this issue, but I cant find a solution
>>I can't log on to my ldap server port 389 with my browser. service seems 
>>to be running.
> Big question mark. What do you expect from trying to speak HTTP with the
> OpenLDAP server? I don't see what kind of sense that would make. Use
> `ldapsearch' or whatever tool from the LDAP clients software to interact
> with the LDAP server.
I assumed that phpldapadmin was installed since I have a program called 
php-ldap. And therefore tried to contact phpldapadmin. I used port 389 
because i cant find any info within the doc.
This gui works very well with my debian server.
Maybe the service is called with an other name or maybe another port/ns?
>>I am not running selinux, port 389 are open on both client and server.
>>Message from browser: Access to this port is disabled for security reasons.
> Do you try that on the localhost itself? Did you protect slapd by
> tcp-wrappers?
> Configure syslog to log facility local4.* and observe the resulting log
> file if you want to see what the LDAP server does.
> Alexander
I think my problem is within the httpd.conf.