[CentOS] VMWare

Shawn K. O'Shea

shawn at ll.mit.edu
Thu Jul 20 21:22:25 UTC 2006


Thanks for the corrections. I didn't realize server had full screen. 
I'll have to look into that. And no shared folders is easy enough to get 
around with WinSCP to your host OS (or setup a samba server).

I have a Linux workstation and a MacBook Pro here in the office. I used 
server for WinXP "access" until I got the Mac (now using Parallels 
Desktop over there).


Max H. wrote:
> Shawn K. O'Shea wrote:
>> VMWare Player cannot create VMs. It is used to run existing VMs 
>> (either open source based VMs available for download from VMWare's 
>> Virtual Appliances directory ( 
>> http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/ ) or created with 
>> another version of VMWare).
>> VMWare server does allow the creation of VMs. If I understand some of 
>> the things I'm reading (and my use here at work of server and esx), 
>> major differences between server and it's payware cousin VMWare 
>> workstation are:
>> - Server runs as a Windows service/Linux daemon
>> - Server is client/server based. You use a console application to 
>> access your VM. (something akin to VNC)
>> - Features Workstation has that Server does not: snapshotting of VMs, 
>> full screen mode, shared folders
> Shawn,
> You can actually create one snapshot in Server, but you don't get the 
> option of having the snapshot manager like say in Workstation. Other 
> than that, the web client, and the console connection are really cool 
> on the network like you mention. Server actually does indeed support 
> full screen mode. Basically, you're losing the snapshot manager and 
> gaining the console/web client.
> Max
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