[CentOS] Missing Dependency

Sun Jul 2 04:53:46 UTC 2006
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

> I have CentOS-Base.repo  dag.repo  jpackage.repo
> kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo. And yes, auto update.

I'd be very careful with auto-update on with external repositories
involved. Nothing against dag or the jpackage crew or anyone else, but
sometimes things go south or base packages can be overwritten. If
you're going to do this, be careful, and use include/exclude
statements where appropriate. You may also want to check out the
protectbase plugin for yum.

> All the perl packages are done via cpan. Am i into deep trouble?

Depends. You've certainly given yourself a bunch more work. The
situation you're in is one of the finer examples of why dag and
Karanbir work to populate perl module rpms into their repositories.
Because cpan doesn't play well with rpm, I use it as a last resort if
dag or karanbir don't have it packaged already, and cpan2rpm ( or any
of the other similar tools) fails.

Your issue now is 'do you install the perl module rpm' which means
you'll have to get rid of the cpan version, or else you'll have two
versions of the software installed, and you'll have to work to keep
them straight.  The other alternative is to force the rpm, and I would
advise against this.
The problem with using --force, is that it'll cause yum to get
amazingly angry with you over package dependencies, and you'll have to
get more and more 'creative' to get your updates installed as time
goes on. Don't use --force unless you REALLY know what you're doing
with it.

> Thanks
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