[CentOS] help locating how-to guide for centos, postfix, dovecot, clamav and spamassassin

Thu Jul 20 12:00:34 UTC 2006
guser <guser at packetstorm.org>

I have tried searching google (found page 1 only in the cache), 
howtoforge.com, linuxhelp.net (older postfix document), centos forums, 
hughesjr forum and centos irc channel.

I was pointed to linuxhelp.net  and at first thought that the howto in 
the forums there was it. Unfortunately, I only glanced at the title when 
I bookmarked it and when I got back home later that evening and 
actuallty read through it did I realize that it was not the howto 
document I was looking for.

I know hughesjr has alot of other things to do then find a way to repost 
the howto just for me so I have been trying to avoid directly asking him 
to re-post the guide somewhere (his site is being rebuilt currently). My 
last guess is to try here in the hopes that someone here has used the 
howto and kept a local copy and would be kind enough to share it.
