[CentOS] help locating how-to guide for centos, postfix, dovecot, clamav and spamassassin

Thu Jul 20 13:57:53 UTC 2006
Edward R. Bailey <ed at commercescience.com>

A simpler approach would be look for separate how-to's on 

1. centos (help you install the OS)
2. postfix, sa and clam (as long as the how-to is written for Redhat you should be fine)
3. dovecot

since these are somewhat separate topics. 

Here are some possible guides for you to follow

See centos.org for installation documentation

You can get most of the base packages through a yum update so no need to compile for the most part. 

Let me know if you have any more questions,

Ed Bailey

-----Original Message-----
From: guser [mailto:guser at packetstorm.org] 
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:01 AM
To: centos at centos.org
Subject: [CentOS] help locating how-to guide for centos, postfix, dovecot, clamav and spamassassin

I have tried searching google (found page 1 only in the cache), howtoforge.com, linuxhelp.net (older postfix document), centos forums, hughesjr forum and centos irc channel.

I was pointed to linuxhelp.net  and at first thought that the howto in the forums there was it. Unfortunately, I only glanced at the title when I bookmarked it and when I got back home later that evening and actuallty read through it did I realize that it was not the howto document I was looking for.

I know hughesjr has alot of other things to do then find a way to repost the howto just for me so I have been trying to avoid directly asking him to re-post the guide somewhere (his site is being rebuilt currently). My last guess is to try here in the hopes that someone here has used the howto and kept a local copy and would be kind enough to share it.

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