[CentOS] Re: help locating how-to guide for centos, postfix, dovecot, clamav and spamassassin

Thu Jul 20 15:30:56 UTC 2006
Alex Palenschat <alex at nssmgmt.com>

> Thanks for the info. I have been using linux , bsd, hpux (10 
> and 11.11) 
> and solaris (2.6- 8) for 10+ years, linux mainly for the last 
> 4 (redhat, 
> wbel and centos). I even tried Linux From Scratch and realized that 
> although it was fun to do, the upkeeps a pain (another reason 
> I dontated 
> to this project as keeping centos synced with the redhat patches and 
> then tested must be a timehog).

Greg, I just recently had to set my own Mail server up and went through
much of what you are trying to do. Most FAQ/Howtos out there involve
compiling code and a lot of tweaking. What I ended up doing was
following the recommendations here:


And then loading amavisd-new and clamd/clamav-update from Karanbir's
Fedora Extras rebuild yum repository:


Amavisd-new will manage clam and spamassassin for you nicely.

There was some reading of man pages and configuration of files to get it
to work, but I'm left with all packages being managed by yum and no
compiling or use of CPAN for perl dependencies.


Alex Palenschat