[CentOS] Selectively updating protected repos

Sat Jul 1 15:44:51 UTC 2006
Bart Schaefer <barton.schaefer at gmail.com>

On 6/30/06, Robert Spangler <lazydog at zoominternet.net> wrote:
> under [base] add
> exclude=firefox

I was afraid this was the answer.  The trouble here is that, come 4.4,
the firefox package in the base is going to be newer than the one in
centosplus.  I don't want to exclude firefox from the base, I want the
most recent one from either of the base or plus repos, without having
to get everything else from the plus repo.

This exclude is what I've used for now, but I think it's sub-optimal.

> Under [centosplus] add
> includepkgs=firefox

This doesn't appear to be necessary in combination with the exclude
and protect=1 on base.  Hmm, what would happen if I left out the
exclude for base but used the include for plus?