[CentOS] Missing Dependency

Sun Jul 2 05:16:05 UTC 2006
CentOS List <centoslist at gmail.com>

>> Viewing the lastest logwatch, discovered the error below.
>> Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Module::Install::Base) is needed by 
>> package
>> perl-Test-Base
> This would appear to be a yum message. Could you provide details as to
> what yum repositories you have enabled? Is yum set to update your
> system automatically? We need some details here.

I have CentOS-Base.repo  dag.repo  jpackage.repo 
kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo. And yes, auto update.

>> I tried to install Module::Install::Base using cpan and cpan tell me it 
>> has
>> already installed.
> This doesn't help you, as rpm has absolutely no idea that you've
> installed software via cpan. Because cpan (and other source
> installation methods) don't update the rpm database, you'll run into
> more issues like this the more you install from source. It's much
> better to stick with the package management system for your particular
> distro, be it .deb, rpm or something else.

All the perl packages are done via cpan. Am i into deep trouble?
